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I Love My Body

I have been sitting deleting and rewriting the introduction to this blogpost and I've come to realize that I'm just going to be honest and say what I have to say. 


A significant contributing factor to who I am is that I am Mexican and Filipino, which comes with other ethnicities on both of my parents side respectively, such as Samoan, Hawaiian, and Spanish, therefore comes with significant physical attributes. 

I could write about western influence and culture's "ideal" body type, which social media has portrayed and there is progress, but I want to focus on my own journey with my body type. First, I don't want this post to lead to comparison-- yes expose it-- but ultimately, to voice my journey with my body and how I've learned to love it. ALL bodies are beautiful. Jesus is beauty. He crafted us and loves us so much, which is why we also have to care for our bodies at the same time-- let me explain.

Since being home in the San Francisco Bay Area, I've had a lot of time to reflect and the following are my musings-- things that I have learned and realized during these past few months. Again, I don't want to idealize the perfect body type nor compare, please hear my heart in this. While I was in England, I had to remind myself that I am Mexipino (Mexican and Filipino combined) becuase there weren't many Mexicans or Filipinos where I was. Now back home, I am seeing Hispanic and Filipino women/s bodies. I had to also remember that coming from the family that I have, comes with specific physical attributes that make my body different than the European demographic.

Now, I have to mention that while in Leicester, I FORSURE had a crush on this guy. Having a crush considers many things, some of those things is my image (how I looked), wondering if he could like me, and, of course, does he find me attractive. Again, I mention body types because I did wonder, what he found attractive. I did think that there were women there who I thought would be a WAY better choice than me because they were much prettier, more fit, and more perfect. Understanding that I have my own insecurities-- BUT who doesn't have these thoughts. Trust that I fully believe there is no competition. We, as women, get to build each other up and PLEASE-- as if I'd try to fight for a man's attention-- that's when I KNOW he's not the man for me. *snaps and puts a piece of my hair behind my ear* 

There are always going to be attractive people. There are always going to be women who's bodies look nothing like mine and I love every inch of me. I know and believe that the Lord loves every part of me, which allows me to love my body where it is now, while taking care of it, which comes to my next thought.

I have to take care of my body. I don't want to hold my body to a higher standard than the Lord because I want to give the Lord everything, including my mind and body. This isn't out of force, but a joyful sacrifice. Taking care of my mind and body looks like working out, getting enough sleep, going on walks, worshiping, drinking WATER, eating MEAT (Sorry for non-meat eaters), having a healthy diet and, overall, walking into each day knowing and believing that the Lord created my body. 

As I've grown up and learned my body, I noticed that when I work out, instead of getting "thinner" I don't get smaller, my muscles grow. When I drink milk, my face breaks out. When I don't drink enough water, I feel bloated. When I don't sleep enough, I'm tired the whole day. When I go don't go outside, I'm more anxious. I feel that I have to express that I don't require perfection, but being aware of what my body needs and refusing what it doesn't.

I also believe that our bodies respond to the way we think. If I hate my body, my body will show it. If I am ashamed of my body, my body will show it, but when I walk in my identity and joy that the Lord created me-- my body will show it. Praise God.

Romans 12:1-2 states, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-- This is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing, and perfect will (NIV).

Our bodies and minds are valuable to the way we interact and see the world. Jesus is worthy of these things and so much more. As far as my love for my body goes, I am grateful and so thankful of how my body looks and feels. The Lord created me and I am deeply grateful for the way He's crafted me. So in everything that I do, I do in worship unto Him.

Thank you for reading

Much Love,



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